Mr.Corpus writes about the "Affordable Care Act" how its one of the most promient concerns right now in our National Government and says if its something americans really need.I dont need it im insured but alot of americans are not,being in there shoes and with thier Perspectives, i would think the ACA is essential for americans who are not insured and have health problems,they need to be insured so they are covered when something happens to them pretaing to there health problems or any other occurence.Most people are insured with there jobs and careers,the people who dont work probaly dont have insurance, what befudles me is that if your not insured you are going to be penalized,so how are they going to be able to pay to get insured if they dont even have a job and also in addition get penalized.People who cant work because they have health problems,will they get disability benefits,which if they have they can pay for the insuranse.The americans who probaly wont be able to pay for the insurance rates are the ones who have no health problems and just dont work at all.I belive the republicans wanted to defund obamcare so badly because they were afraid the nation will get even more in debt.The irony of that is that the government shutdown which the republicans wanted,put the U.S into some more debt than what it already was.
I cocur with Mr.Corpus that they are too many many variables and factors that can swing one's beliefs and Political Ideology.If it starts to affect to many americans,then there needs to be a solution and something got to change for better or worse.
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